At Sans Wellness, we champion the belief that not only can we add years to our lives, but health to our years. The secret to slowing down the aging process and keeping your body (and mind) in tip-top condition is as simple as ABC. It all begins with what you eat and how you live your life. This includes mindset, sleep, and positive daily practices. Famous celebrities apply those same nine principles to help them stay in top shape.
- Feed your body a nutrient-dense diet – only healthy foods can build healthy cells.High-quality plant-based proteins, mainly vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and legumes. Eat organic foods (eat meat and fish) and consist of healthy fats such as avocado, flaxseed oil, and olive oil.
- Avoid sugar, artificial sweeteners, table salt (use only sea salt or Himalayan salt), and do not consume microwaved foods or beverages.
- Drink plenty of filtered water to keep your cells hydrated and your skin supple.
- Regular exercises to improve muscle strength and cognitive function and prevent disease. Combine cardio, plyometrics, and strength training to work on different parts of your body in each session.
- Getting plenty of quality sleep will make you look younger. Not getting enough sleep can wreak havoc on your skin and lead to skin-related disorders.
- Avoid coffee and smoking, and keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum
- Address the issues that are stressing you out and use relaxation techniques to manage your stress.
- Maintain a positive attitude and always strive to have purpose and purpose in life. Having a positive attitude has been shown to contribute to healthier mental and physical outcomes, especially in older adults.
- Know exactly what you’re putting on your skin by using only natural makeup and body care products. Learn what toxic chemicals to avoid and how to make your own natural skin care products.