The simplest definition is that a meridian is an energetic highway in the human body. Meridians allow for the flow of energy, known as Qi (pronounced “chee”), to circulate throughout the body. Meridian Chinese Medicine is an ancient practice and alternative medicine that uses the principles of connection and balance between all parts of the body. Think about your meridians. All of these rivers and streams are interconnected and influence each other, so manipulating one part of the body can improve the health of the connected body areas.
We have 12 major meridians in the body, such as our lung, stomach and intestines. According to traditional Chinese medicine, all illness and disease can be sourced, and therefore remedied or alleviated, at the level of Qi. Plainly put, an imbalance in one’s Qi can lead to an imbalance in one’s well-being. To experience the benefits of Genkilogy for yourself and enjoy a more balanced and harmonious life, please contact us at any of our branches.
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